
Complete 3d floor plan back lGaia Earthen Technologies offers three different forms of internships to those who want to experience living and working in a sustainable building environment. The internship programs include in depth looks into Research and Development, Design, Maintenance, Special Builds, Carpentry with Reclaimed Lumber, Plastering, Sustainable Systems and many other topics and activities, subject to the current state of the project where the internship is located.

The Four Weeks Internship

This intIMG_0141ernship offers an intensive practice period of one month where we alternate the daily work between several aspects of earth building. Extensive participation in not only building but also  community related work, road-trips,  and relaxation. Brief but deep immersion into desert living, and design principles that make adverse climate areas comfortably habitable. In depth discussions of natural building solutions, internal system such as PV and passive solar, earth-tube air-conditioning, plumbing, water collection, waterproofing. Hands on practice of advanced bag laying methods. Prerequisite: Any 6 day workshop

The Two Month Internship20151002_175218

This arrangement basically gives you additional four weeks of bonus time for free to become a well versed and experienced earth builder.  By the end of the first four weeks you will have become an integral part of a community of people who are enthusiastic not only about natural building but an all around sustainable living. You will have an extensive theoretical knowledge and an intensive eight weeks of not only  picking up on subtleties of earth building but also trying out different techniques, and even develop your own style, establish your own preferences. Prerequisite: Any 6 day workshop

The Three Month Internship

 By the tim20150908_124625e you get to the third month of your stay you are a strong asset for our team and you deserve to be treated like that. Not just in terms of the increasing complexity of tasks assigned but also in terms of financial return. You are basically being paid to learn more, and apply the skills that you have acquired during the first two month. If you complete the three months of your internship in the end it will not cost you a penny as the cost of the first month is fully refunded at the end of the third. The hard work that you put in to learn and practice, pays off before you even leave, to apply your new trade in the outside world. Prerequisite: Any 6 day workshop.